Siete Misterios Doba-Lá is made from agave Tobalá. Doba-Lá is Zapotec for agave Tobalá, and they chose this name as this mezcal is different from the Siete Misterios Tobalá which is distilled in Claypot stills.
The experience offered to all those who have had the fortune to try it immediately changes their perception and becomes a great mezcal in the full extent of the concept.
This mezcal completes the range we offer to each palate of different tastes always an option to fall in love with this magnificent distillate.
Maguey: 100% Tobalá (Potatorum Zucc.)
Location: San Luis del Río, Oaxaca.
Rippening time: 12 years
Oven type: Conical Underground oven
Mill type: Tahona pulled by horse
Fermentation water: Mountain spring water
Fermenter type: Wooden tubs made of pine
Maestro Mezcalero: Don Celso Martínez
Distiller Type: Copper Alembic
Number of distillations: 2
Alc. Vol: 48.5%
Net. Cont: 700 ml
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